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Saturday, March 3, 2018

Mind, Matter and Morality

A few considerations for the human race...

1. The morality of a species is linked to the survival of its species and not necessarily to the larger good beyond the boundaries withing which the species exists. Imagine a colony of viruses that could think, converse and formulate laws of morality. Their morality would be very different from the morality that humans have come up with, for example. So the question is - what fraction of morality is truly constant? How do we know what is right and what is wrong, without any doubt whatsoever?

2. If the history books and pre-historic stories or theories that refer to pre-historic times are to be believed, then, that have been passed on to us as the truths within which we construct the meaning of our existence, it seems to bring us to the realization that we have come a long way from where we started, and the travails of the stone age and the physical insecurities of previous eras have been overcome and mankind has managed to carve out a space for itself on this planet, where its people are very safe, and life on earth can potentially be comfortable for everyone. At this stage, then, when all the comforts we can think of are present on earth, and we can easily reverse our economy by having fewer children, reducing energy consumption and focusing on having fewer people with a greater quality of life on this planet, then what is the need to keep seeking an economy that swells outward. It seems like we had set out in the right direction, but we accidentally traveled a couple of stops too far. That time the history books said was being struggled for, according to me, has arrived, where the existence of humans on this planet has been optimized to a large extent. The focus can now be on eliminating the few dangers that still threaten our existence, like natural calamities and diseases. These are the two primary things that need to be focused upon by all governments. 

3. While the leaders, scientists and philosophers focus on these few problems that are left to solve and maybe further contemplate the meaning of existence so that we know which way to go, most others should now start reducing the population by having fewer children, going away from cities and developing self sustaining communities that are self-sufficient to a great extent, so that we can have greater regulations that are much easier to monitor. 

4. We can focus on investing in a more robust inter-continental security system, where attempts to hurt each other are thwarted harmlessly, neither individuals nor governments are allowed to have weapons, existing varieties of which need to by systematically and uniformly destroyed. Property distribution laws need to be made more fluid and inclusive, keeping with the transient nature of the existence of this material world itself. People should be allowed to travel from anywhere in the world to anywhere else they want, as the robust security system would ensure that crimes are minimized, if not eliminated. 

5. A movement away from a globalized economy is the desperate need of this hour, at least until we find a way to regulate production and processes uniformly across the world. The globalization of production has led us to an unprecedented state of apathy and the industrialization of food production has led to the commodification of other sentient beings that are living entire lives as slaves to suit the desires of our palates. Our focus should be to reduce the levels of voluntary suffering we launch upon fellow sentient beings and special focus should be accorded to being able to produce meat without the need to either breed or end life for the purpose of food production. Human beings should themselves strive to achieve a state of maintaining consciousness through means more energy-efficient than life. 

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